May 31st, 2024 | N 22-23-24
Reaching the finish line!
Our students have put a lot of passion and effort into every school activity, much like a runner who pours his heart and soul into months of training. The moments before the race, when the adrenaline is high, and the feeling of satisfaction after crossing the finish line are the moments where students' perseverance truly shines.
As we race toward the finish line of another incredible year, we can't help but feel the excitement for all that our students have accomplished. No matter how small or big their achievements are, let's embrace them as their biggest audience, cheering them out loud as they move toward the final race!
Grade 5 and Preschool 2 celebrations!
Our graduation day was a blast, even with the rain! Preschool 2 graduates, in their hats for graduation, had some wonderful performances and are now on their way to Kindergarten. The big kids of Grade 5 finished Primary School and are now moving on to be in Grade 6 in Middle School.
We are thankful for the enthusiasm of our parent community in making the day extra special for our students! The food, decoration, and setup were primarily accomplished by parent volunteers.
Alumni Reunion in the UK
On Saturday, May 18, our first official HOPE Alumni reunion was hosted in Bradford, UK at the Protheros' home. It was a wonderful afternoon of tea, treats, and conversation. The memories flooded back with each story that was told! Kate Roden, our Alumni and Stewardship coordinator, was present and able to share about all the things happen at HOPE and what traditions are still alive (and confirm that the weather is still either hot or rainy, or both).
We are looking forward to many more organized Alumni reunions around the world and getting to see people come back together!
Summer @ HOPE
This summer, HOPE is offering fun and educational programs! Learn English, Khmer, practice your math skills with a 3G Abacus, or explore Mandarin. See details and sign up before June 13! Sign up here!
Grade 12 students in transition
Grade 12 students are wrapping up their season at HOPE with a series of activities that celebrate their achievements and prepare them for the future.
Recently, they embarked on a memorable camp week in Thailand, "Life Beyond HOPE," at Juniper Tree Dolphin Bay. This experience provided valuable support and guidance as they navigate their next steps, be it college, university, work, or further studies. They had the chance to share their highs, lows, growth, and dreams during special sharing sessions alongside with Mr. TJ Lee, Mr. Dougal Strahan, Mrs. Lorinda Wishart, and Mrs. Sarah Moon.
Additionally, Launch Week equipped them with essential knowledge for a smooth transition through informative talksand activities. The excitement concludes next week with their graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 6th at the ICA auditorium. To further celebrate these graduating individuals, their journals have been displayed at Park Plaza, inviting the community to leave them messages of inspiration and support. Make sure to check out the Graduates Feature with their amazing graduate headshots.
Egyptian and Roman Adventures!
Grades 2 and 3 culminated their history units with an immersive learning experience! Grade 3 students traveled back in time to the Roman period, while Grade 2 explored the wonders of Ancient Egypt. To celebrate their knowledge of these civilizations, the classes came alive with creative costumes and engaging activities as part of their lesson plan, focusing on key concepts like architecture, daily life, and the rise and fall of these ancient societies.
We celebrate class activities that impact knowledge while creating lasting memories for students, staff, and parents alike, making learning a truly enjoyable and enriching experience.
Weekly verses
Jesus promises to take care of us
Week 22 - John 14:23
Three Seasons Strong! The Koupreys conclude a year of sports
The Koupreys have wrapped up an incredible three seasons in the ISSAPP league! We celebrated our journey on Tuesday the 28th, with a fantastic gathering. The athletes were awarded with certificates for their dedication and hard work throughout the year. We enjoyed delicious snacks, played some fun opening games before the gathering, and we packed the hall to celebrate the conclusion of an amazing year of sports at HOPE.
A massive thank you to all the coaches and support staff who made this year unforgettable for our Koupreys!
Final Middle School Tournament
Our Middle School Volleyball season wrapped up with fantastic finishes! The A Boys secured an impressive 4th place, while the A Girls finished strong in 6th. The B Boys team showed great dedication throughout the year, placing 12th. Huge congratulations to the B Girls for clinching an amazing 2nd place finish! We are incredibly proud of all our athletes, coaches, and supporters. Stay tuned for sign-ups for next year's season!
Our final assembly on June 7th is a very special one, as it seeks to recognize many of our outstanding students all the way from Preschool to Grade 12 in a variety of different ways.
Our awards include:
Primary Awards
Encouragement Award for Excellent Achievement - for a student with outstanding academic work in class throughout the academic year
Encouragement Award for Outstanding Effort - for a students with outstanding effort throughout the academic year
Academic Achievement Award
Students in Grades 6 - 10 achieving 8 “As” across the academic year
Students in Grades 11 and 12 achieving 6 “6s or 7s” across the academic year
Excellence of Effort Award - for students who maintain a consistent high level of effort across all subjects, and must be nominated by at least five of their subject teachers.
Creative Arts Awards - for students who display high levels of creativity and flair in all aspects of the Arts.
Emily Smith Memorial Award - to a High School student who displays exceptional aptitude in visual arts. This award is in memory of a student from HOPE who passed away tragically in 2018, and reflects her love for the arts.
Sports Awards - for students with the highest percentage in PE and overall sports performance and attitude
Service to Sports Award - for students who support, coach and help across our many sports activities.
Character Awards
Jo Miller Award
Brent Willsmore Award
Gwen Coventry Award
The Helen Blaxland Servant Leadership Award - given to a staff member
Summer at HOPE! - All you need to know
C9 and Sahakom
C9 and Sahakom will take a break and will not be serving lunch during summer!
The open day of the library is Wednesday! Come from 9 to 11 am on June 12, 19, 26, and July 3, 10. We will be closed from July 11 until the new school year starts for library updates.
During the summer, please keep in mind the following guidelines for campus usage. All we need on your end is to ensure you are:
Checked at the Guardhouse. Sign in and sign out every time you come.
Playing by the Rules: Please follow the posted guidelines at the Playground, Primary and Secondary courts, and soccer field.
Middle School and Primary students should always be under adult Supervision.
Summer Office Hours
Please note that the HOPE Office will be closed from Thursday, June 13 to Tuesday June 18. We will re-open on Wednesday, June 19th with reduced hours of 8:30-2:30.
Next on the Calendar
May 31
Middle School fUNformal @ HOPE
June 6
Half-day / Early dismissal at 12:00 p.m.
Graduation Ceremony - Class of 2024 - @ ICA Auditorium at 4:00 pm (Doors open at 3:30 p.m.
June 7
Last Day of School / Early dismissal at 12:00 p.m.
June 10 - 18
Office closure @ HOPE
The Yearbook is around the corner
The release of the Yearbook 2023-2024 will be on Monday in its digital version and physical if you have preordered.
We have a few extra copies available on Tuesday at $20 USD, if you didn’t order yours. Find the Yearbook stand for the rest of the week at the Sahakom cafe area.
HOPE Shop massive clearance
We are refreshing our inventory and we would like to give the opportunity to everyone to purchase our remaining shirts! Get yours for just $10 (USD) while supplies last.
Head to the Front Office and get yours. Hurry, some sizes are already selling out!
Plans for the summer! An update on the age range has been done. Register here.
There are a few seats open for Grades 2 to 5 in our Primary!
Preschool enrollment is open now! Preschool applications are now being accepted.
A few more for the next year! Help us to spread the news and to pray for the following positions!
From the Chaplain
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
John 15: 9-11
This passage begins in the same way all things do, with the Love of the Father. It then moves to the Son loving us. How are we to love Him back? By abiding in His love. If we love Him who is truly good, and truly does love us, can we do anything other than obey His commandments? This is what we were created for.
This is how we abide in His love, looking to Jesus as the example to imitate. This summer, I am looking to imitate Jesus when He sought a desolate place to be with God. He was abiding in the love of God by pursuing time alone with Him, by pursuing intimacy with God alone. Leaving all other things behind, because they can wait.
What is the result of this abiding, of this obeying? It is pure Joy. And not just a giddy happiness but joy that fulfils your soul. My prayer for you this summer is that by abiding in God’s love, in keeping his commandments, your joy may be so, so full. And may that joy that comes from God alone overflow to those around you.
Take a time to pray for
Priscilla Seo
Tavita Asiata
Angel Haas
John Kennedy
Jeremy Horrocks
Matthew Xie
Jerico Colon
1st grade
Charleen Caput
Mesa Thach
Parent Resource Page
C9 Menu, calendars, SEQTA, and more! Our Parent page on the website is meant to be a one-stop-shop for most information you would need. You can access that HERE, or by going to our website and clicking on "Parents".
That's all!
Have a great weekend!