Friday, September 26, 2024 | N-0532425

A pause for power

When playing a video game, a pause button is always a great source to freeze the action if it gets too intense. This gives you a chance to catch your breath, strategize, or even take a quick break. In life, a pause is just as important.

As we head into our school break, let's use this time to hit the "pause button," not to completely disconnect from schoolwork, but to give us a chance to reconnect with something equally important: rest.


Chosen by grace, embraced as God’s own.

We have concluded our Forever Learning About God (FLAG) week and it’s been a sweet time exploring the beauty of being chosen by grace and embraced as God's own.

The week featured a variety of creative activities, discussions, and teachings, all designed to foster honest conversations, open-hearted reflections, and a deeper connection to our faith.

We are incredibly grateful to the many parents and volunteers who generously gave their time and energy to make this week a success. As we enter the break, we hope that the spiritual truths we have reflected on will continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of our students, providing a lasting assurance of their relationship with God.

Secondary FLAG week’s speaker, Ben Kumar, gave three great messages on the gospel, being a part of God's family, and our gifts and identity in God. His messages reminded our students of the truth of the Gospel and its power to save us, as well as who we are in Christ and what we can do to glorify God as Christian’s. Thank you to Ben for serving us so well in this way, this FLAG week.


Parent-Teacher Meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings for all Primary and also Secondary Grades 6-9 and 11 are to be held on:

DATE: Thursday 10 October 2024 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm. 

EARLY DISMISSAL: School will conclude at 12:00 pm on Thursday. 

This is to allow staff to be available for meetings; there will be no classes in the afternoon.

During the Parent-Teacher Meetings, teachers will be sharing about what students have learned in the class, describing the progress in learning, and identifying the next learning steps. Parent Teacher Meetings are an excellent opportunity to discuss how best to support your child/young person in learning, in partnership with us here at HOPE. 

Booking Meetings 

Bookings for both Primary and Secondary students will be facilitated through the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) system. This allows you to book in with multiple teachers (if necessary), at times that suit you within our staff availability window.

BOOKINGS OPEN ON: Monday, 7 October 2024 at 8:00 am

BOOKINGS CLOSE ON: Thursday, 9 October, 2024 at 12:00 pm

You will receive an email with login information prior to bookings opening.

For Grade 11

We will also be hosting a short meeting following Parent-Teacher Meetings on October 10th for the Grade 11 parents, with our Principal, IB Coordinator, and Guidance Counselor. We will describe what students and parents should expect from the IB program and the general timeline for college prep and career pathways.

For Grades 10 and 12

Please note that we are holding Parent Teacher Meetings for Grades 10 and 12 on a separate evening (Thursday, October 24th), as these students are in exam years and we would like to provide some extra support to them and their parents. 

Student Dress Code 

Please be aware of the recent updates to our school's dress code policy regarding shorts.

To reinforce these guidelines, please note that students who come to school in attire that does not meet the dress code will be required to wear a pair of PE shorts for the day. Alternatively, students can contact parents to bring replacement clothes. You can find our full dress code in the student diary or on the Student Welcome page on SEQTA. Thank you for your understanding and support.

Furlough Policy Reminder

As we approach the end of Semester 1, we’d like to remind parents about HOPE’s Home Leave/Furlough Policy. If your family is planning to take extended leave, please be mindful of the following:

The full policy and furlough form can be found on our website:

Weekly Verses 

Week 9 - School break

Week 10 - John 15:7-8 

Week 11 - Philippians 4:6–7 


Good practices for parking

Drop-off and pick-up are sensitive times in school. We want to request all parents to follow these good parking practices. 

Updated Bathroom signs

To ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our community, we have upgraded our bathroom signs to ensure clear differentiation.

Please note the following:

The proper usage is applicable all the times a person is on campus including weekends and after school hours. We appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines.

Secondary Parent Telegram Chats

The HOPE Parent Council is dedicated to fostering a strong sense of community. Secondary Parents are now invited to join our HOPE telegram groups to chat, connect, and build relationships with other parents. If you are a Secondary parent click on the following links and join the conversation. 

Grade 6   |  Grade 7  |  Grade 8  |  Grade 9  

Grade 10  |  Grade 11  |  Grade 12

Note that these are parent-led chats and not official school communication channels. For official announcements and updates, please refer to the email you registered as a parent, the SEQTA Engage portal, Telegram Channels, and our Community Boards around the campus. 

Bring your medication to the Nurses 

All students, especially those in primary school, are required to bring any necessary medications to the nurse's office for proper tracking and administration. To ensure the safety and well-being of our students, please submit any dosage information to the nurse's office, and we will assist with administering the medication. Students should not be self-administering medications on campus.

Campus over the break

Over the break, the campus is still open for our community. However, we want to ensure proper usage of it. Be guided by the following guidelines:

The following activities are PROHIBITED on this campus:

Updated C9 Menu

The C9 Menu has been updated for the month of October. Take a look here or find it always in our Parent Section. 

Next on the Calendar

September 30 - October 4 

Thursday, October 10

Friday, October 11

Thursday, October 24


Appreciate our teachers with our Parent Council! 🎉 🧑‍🏫 

Join Parent Council in honoring our amazing teachers! We're celebrating International Teacher's Day on October 11th at Park Plaza. The Parent Council invites all parents and students to show your appreciation for the incredible work of our HOPE educators. See this document and sign up to join the celebration. 

Teacher Appreciation Oct 11 2024


We are looking for a Teacher Assistant! 

We are praying and looking for a Teacher Assistant! If you know someone, please let them apply here. 

Take the time to pray for…

That's all!

Have a great Pchum Ben Break!